Our producers

Committed producers who make the first grouped package delivered to your home in 24 hours

Around thirty producers are selected by Cella to provide you with excellent, healthy and ethical products from a responsible polyculture region, between the Vosges, Haute-Saône, Doubs and Alsace.

Richard , saffron tree, Plombières-les-Bains (Vosges). On the hillsides of the ancient spa town, Richard obtains the best saffron in the East. He patiently cultivates and maintains his land while waiting for the crocus flowers, an autumn-flowering bulb with magical flavors.

Arnaud , butcher-charcutier, Le-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). A master in his art, he treats us to his classics and his creations and works with us to source the best of the country for your taste buds.

Marco , myciculturist, Docelles (Vosges). Passionate, inventive, precise. It is one of the few in Europe to grow Japanese-style shiitake on 100% organic oak logs without any treatment.

Franck , beekeeper, La-Croix-aux-Mines (Vosges). A veteran of the Vosges paper industry, his story is that of a tastefully successful reconversion. His honey is a marvel.

Solange , picker and jam maker, Tendon (Vosges). On her isolated farm in the mountains, Solange concocts wonderful jams and other preparations from her harvests.

Nicolas , breeder and cheesemaker, Le-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). An organic farmer from father to son since the 1980s, he patiently raises his Simmental herd and processes the milk on site.

Jérôme , brewer, Riquiwihr (Bas-Rhin). At the foot of the Alsace vineyards, as if thumbing his nose at geography, Jérôme brews lovely beers and recently – with Franck Fesser – a surprising and fine mead.

Thierry , cheesemaker and refiner, Étupes (Doubs). The Lehmann family offers the best raw butter we have tasted in the region. Their cancoillotes are a delight.

Bernard , refiner, Dommartin-lès-Remiremont (Vosges). Unable to sit still during confinement, Bernard invented a — delicious and facetious — hot cheese that delights us, Louis d'Or.

Thierry , poultry farmer, Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse (Haute-Saône). The Mangel family is known for offering the best poultry in the region. They had to be part of this happy bunch.

Sébastien , rabbit farmer, Sainte-Marie-en-Chânois (Haute-Saône). Rabbit is also poultry. And for this, we found Sébastien, the best in the art of raising them with love.

Bernard , distiller, Fougerolles (Haute-Saône). This great gentleman, who looks like Jean Ferrat, has espoused the cause of defending the Fougerolles cherry, which he has been defending against the industry since the 1970s.

Pasquale , olive grower, Castelveltranno (Sicily). Far from the Vosges but the olive trees do not yet grow in these reliefs, we went to get the best Sicilian olive oil from him.

Pierre , pastry chef, Remiremont (Vosges). The childhood part is him. With his cakes and babas, he is responsible for many indulgences committed without remorse.

Pascal , cattle breeder, Girmont-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). Pascal took over the family farm a few years ago. Committed, passionate, patient, he does incredible work with his Limousines and Blondes d'Aquitaine cows.

Xavier , pig and sheep breeder, Saint-Bresson (Haute-Saône). On his land, he was the initiator of a high-quality “Haute-Saône pork” label. Exemplary breeding, without antibiotics.

Valérie , poultry farm, Girmont-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). At the top of her mountain, Valérie raises guinea fowl, hens, roosters and chickens roaming freely.

Aurélie , shepherd and cheesemaker, Girmont-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). With her sheep roaming free or taking refuge in her 18th century farm, Aurélie prepares pretty hand-crafted poems that are hard to call cheese because they are so good.

Rémi , chocolatier, Le-Val-d’Ajol (Vosges). Crunchy and delicious, the sporty pastry chef with a big heart treats us to his chosen chocolates that he creates on site.

Fabien , roaster, Granges-Aumontzey (Vosges). Local roasters from father to son, Fabien produces exceptional coffee in his artisanal workshops.

Mickaël , fish farmer, Xertigny (Vosges). Passionate about the place and the trout since his childhood, Mickaël made it his career by taking over this model fish farm irrigated by very pure spring water.

Larissa , helicopter farmer, Girmont-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). Established since 2017 in the Vosges, Larissa offers extremely high quality farmed gros gris snails which it raises on nearly 800m2 in the mountains.

Yannick , pigeon breeder, Saulcy-sur-Meurthe (Vosges). His pigeon breeding extends over an area of ​​1.8ha. Working with the best restaurants in the region, he strives to rediscover this dish of great finesse.

André , cheesemaker and refiner, Goux-les-Usiers (Doubs). For several generations the Napiot family has produced a renowned Comté with Montbéliarde milk collected every day from the farms of Val d'Usier and neighboring towns.

Christophe , brewer, Le-Val-d'Ajol (Vosges). At the head of the La Val Heureuse brewery since 2008, the craftsman works in the heart of the Vosges massif with high-quality beers presented here, including a rarity: the saffron blonde beer developed with Richard the saffron tree.