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Cella - Caisse isotherme - Livraison - Transport - Boucherie Daval

The safest cold chain

Food safety is our priority at Cella with producers and it starts with the cold chain. Many of you are asking yourself the question: is it safe to have meat delivered in a fresh package? Yes it's 100% safe! And we explain why and how.

The safest delivery method for fresh produce on the market

Fresh products are vacuum-packed and transported in a reinforced insulated box designed for food or pharmaceutical transport . We use eutectic gel packs to ensure the continuity of the cold chain which must be between 0°C and 4°C. This transport solution allows products to be preserved for up to 96 hours while respecting the cold chain . Depending on climatic variations, our teams reduce or increase the quantities of eutectic gel packs in the refrigerated box.

A cold return of -18°C

A eutectic gel pack or coolant pack is composed of a eutectic solution with a melting point of -21°C, solidifying at a temperature equal to or lower than -21°C. The freezing point directly influences the temperature restored: a pack of -21°C eutectic gel restores negative cold at -18°C while frozen water restores cold at +2°C. The Eutectic Gel Packs or Cooling Packs we use are composed of water and sodium chloride, non-toxic and biodegradable . We choose a supplier that is the global reference in the cold chain for proven reliability, Cryopak. In the package, we place these packs at the top of the package to provide total cold coverage of the products. A cooler, only better!

This mode of transport is the safest because it guarantees an uninterrupted cold chain, from our laboratories to your refrigerator.

Directed cold transport carried out by companies like Chronofresh does not necessarily offer this guarantee. If the package has experienced an interruption in the cold chain, it is difficult to know. With our service, you are assured of a continuous and 100% reliable cold chain over the 24 to 48 hours that transport may take, depending on your destination.

If you would like more information on the transport of fresh products and packaging, do not hesitate to contact us on +33 (0)1 76 44 08 76 or write to us by email at bonjour@cella.co or by Messenger .

Some questions you may be asking yourself:

Which company transports Cella’s fresh packages?

The transport of packages is carried out by the express carrier DHL for France and the European Union. The delivery service is carried out by employed people, protected and capable of protecting you with professional contactless delivery. We are proud to work with them and offer you this delivery service to your door.

Why did you choose this mode of transport?

In our opinion, and after more than 1,400 deliveries made in insulated packages with packs of eutectic gel, it is the most reliable mode of transport of fresh products for the cold chain, door to door.

Does distance change anything?

No, we deliver to you within 24 to 48 hours for distant destinations. We ensure that this deadline is met. Distance has no influence on the products stored in the insulated package. Depending on the season we strengthen the cold system by adding packs of eutectic gel.

How to recycle the insulated box?

The insulated box is recycled in the classic circuit corresponding to plastics. It is entirely recycled.

How to recycle Eutectic gel packs?

The eutectic gel packs or cooling packs that we use are composed of a 100% natural product based on water and sodium chloride, non-toxic and biodegradable. You can keep these packs for your personal needs or simply open them and empty them into your sink, taking care to recycle the plastic in the packaging in the appropriate recycling circuit.

Are you looking for alternatives to the insulated crate?

We work with our suppliers to develop an insulated box based on natural components (glass wool, cardboard). However, at this stage, none of the existing models on the market at this time combine the essential qualities required to ensure a reliable cold chain. Most traders and professionals use this packaging on a daily basis for the transport, distribution and temporary storage of sensitive foodstuffs. We ensure that our model can evolve while respecting the safest health standards.

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