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Cella - Recette sauce entrecôte relais de l'entrecôte foies de volaille moutarde beurre crème fleurette échalottes

The secret of the legendary steak relay sauce

“These are the sauces that have created and maintained the universal preponderance of French cuisine.” These words are those of the great Escoffier in his Culinary Guide (1903). The time has come to take our sovereignty to heart even on the plate : solid training today with a Parisian myth.
There is a place in Paris that everyone has known since 1959, “the Relais de Venise-Son Entrecôte”.

Secret defense entrecôte sauce

The institution, founded that year by Paul Gineste de Saurs, has since grown under the simplified name of “Relais de l'entrecôte” and has cultivated since its baptism the secret around its sauce for entrecôte , its unique dish. We are revealing to you today – because it is you, because it is us – this necessarily defense secret.

Militant act

As for the entrecôte, we recommend Pascal Babel's beef which you will roast in a very hot pan, in butter, with a strong foam and watering the piece. And while you're at it, make yourself some nice homemade fries. Real ones. With us, you too can defend French steak .

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For 2-4 people

  • 200g chicken livers (one liver weighs approximately 25g)
  • 4 shallots
  • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • Thyme flowers (fresh and if you can find them)
  • 25cl of whipping cream (30% fat or nothing)
  • 4 teaspoons of fine Dijon mustard
  • 50g Lehmann churned butter
  • 6cl of water
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  1. In a saucepan, pour the cream and the spoons of mustard . Reduce everything over low heat and lightly flavor with thyme flower. If you can't find one, pass.
  2. Chop the shallots . In a hot pan, melt a little butter and sweat the shallots well. Add the chicken livers and thyme. Brown the livers.
  3. Once you have been able to obtain a nice color, mix the chicken livers. Pass the mixed livers through cheesecloth and carefully pour them into the reduced cream.
  4. A sauce is looked at with love : when it thickens, add the butter and water, give it a good shake with a wooden spoon so that it is well mixed and becomes shiny, fluid, supple .
  5. Taste the sauce and carefully adjust the seasoning. Neither too much nor not enough. This is where you will show your skill.
  6. Pour this sauce – which you will have kept at temperature if necessary in a bain-marie – over the meat and the fries.

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