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Cella - Recette de l'os à moelle au four à l'ancienne

Old-fashioned oven-baked marrow bone

“I find that the crunch of a rusk in an empty apartment has a reassuring side.” Take the drawling voice of Bernard Blier in It only happens to me (1985) and nonchalantly take your bones out of the fridge. And yes, we don't taste here, we eat: so count two to three pieces per person. Four pieces of marrow bone if you're eating alone in an empty apartment and that makes your dinner.

Obligatory rusk

This is a lively, old-fashioned starter that speaks clearly and loudly, doesn't chew its flavors and gives its fat. When you start a dinner with this dish, there's no going back. Do not offer a soup afterwards, impose a choice piece such as a solid rib of beef or a nice sausage accompanied by a well-buttered mash. Be careful, there are no bones without a nice crunchy rusk , so remember to take out your toaster like first thing in the morning. Avoid decorating the plate with a few depressing salad leaves, it looks bad. Likewise, some savages blanch the bones before cooking in the oven. Needless to say, that's not the style of the house.

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  • 2 to 3 pieces of marrow bone per person
  • coarse salt
  • flower of salt
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 small bunch of flat-leaf parsley
  • freshly ground pepper
  • country bread or baguette


  1. Clean your marrow bones with clean water. The bone must be very clean. Dry it carefully.
  2. Preheat your oven to 220°C and place a baking sheet on a baking sheet on which you place a bed of coarse salt. Lay the bones on this delicate mattress. Salt the top of your marrow bones with fleur de sel.
  3. Once the oven is up to temperature, bake for 30 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, get busy preparing the rusks. Make beautiful slices of bread in a country loaf or a simple baguette. You will grill these at the last moment.
  5. Chop the parsley and garlic, mix everything into a simple little parsley that you will place on top of the bone when it comes out of the oven.
  6. Take out the bones and check for doneness with the tip of a knife. If the marrow comes off easily, it's cooked. Add a twist of freshly ground pepper. Provide the rusks, fleur de sel and small spoons.

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