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Cella - Sauce à la moelle facile

Marrow sauce (succulent and easy)

Is the art of sauces complex? No, judge by this very simple classic recipe for marrow sauce . It will sensually reveal many of your dishes and meats. There is elegance in this saucier vice for initiates.

The marrow, the “substantial marrow” dear to Rabelais, long put aside, is making a comeback. Considered fatty, it is in fact full of essential nutrients and excellent for health. Of course, as in music, between presto and allegro , there is moderato .

Sublime marrow

American chef Anthony Bourdain claimed that marrow was for him “the butter of the gods” . And when he was asked what his last meal on earth would be, he replied “a roasted bone marrow, with a salad of parsley and caper, with a few slices of baguette and fleur de sel” .

Bright and umami

Quite simply. And it is this simplicity of the marrow, highlighting flavors and aromas , offering brightness and light to the sauce, delivering to our taste buds an incomparable umami , that we celebrate here with this sauce.

A steak, a sirloin, a rib of beef, a flank steak or very simple al dente pasta will do the trick and keep you happy.

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100g of marrow
40cl of veal stock
20cl of wine
25g churned butter
1/2 shallot
2 peppercorns
1 sprig of thyme
1 bay leaf
1 pinch of cayenne


  1. Prepare your marrow the day before . Disgorge the marrow bones, if necessary, for 12 to 24 hours in cold water.
  2. The same day, in boiling water. Blanch the marrow bones for 10 minutes .
  3. At the end of these 10 minutes, remove the water into a dish. Wait a few moments for everything to cool and gently remove the marrow with the tip of a paring knife .
  4. Reserve the marrow after cutting it into small cubes.
  5. In a pan or casserole dish, prepare a base of Bordeaux sauce : reduce the wine by 2/3. Then add the peeled and finely chopped shallot. Add the thyme, a bay leaf and two peppercorns.
  6. Add 40cl of veal stock. Leave to simmer and reduce by half.
  7. Pass everything through cheesecloth.
  8. Return to pan. A few moments before serving, add the marrow chopped into small pieces and the butter which you melt gently in this sauce base. Stir gently with a wooden spoon. Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary with a touch of cayenne.
  9. Serve instantly. Parsley is not essential here.

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