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Cella - Recette de pomme de terre au comté

Potato & Comté Soup

Soup, yes, but with cheese! At Cella we love Comté, the king of pressed cheeses. A vintage ! In winter, a potato soup with Comté cheese seems obvious. Here is a simple recipe that will highlight this flagship product of Franche-Comté.

An AOC since 1996 for the county

Cousin of the very pressed cheeses of its Swiss neighbors, Comté is produced in an area benefiting from the Protected Designation of Origin since 1996.

The Napiot cheese factory, a family story

The one we are offering you, an 18-24 month Comté , with a balance between sweetness and character, is the cheese of the Napiot family , well rooted in the region and passing down their manufacturing secrets for several generations. A treat that reconciles us with the long winter nights.


For 2 people

Preparation and cooking

  1. Clean and peel the potatoes , cut them into small cubes for better cooking.
  2. Cut the leek into slices and rinse them with water to clean them. Cut the onion into slices as well.
  3. Finely chop the celery white.
  4. Heat a saucepan or small casserole dish with the butter and brown the onions, leek and celery . Add the broth and bring everything to a boil.
  5. Add the potato cubes and cook over medium heat for 35-40 minutes.
  6. Cut the cheese into small cubes, add it to the soup. Keep some dice for serving time. Mix the soup and pass it through a strainer . Adjust the seasoning and add the crème fraîche. Reheat for a moment and then serve in soup plates, adding the remaining diced county cheese for added deliciousness.
  7. Draw a line of walnut oil in the served deep plate. Add a few parsley leaves.

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