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Cella - Fruits et légumes de saison en février

Vegetables and fruits in February

In good resolutions: eat seasonally ! So, after January, here is the list of seasonal fruits and vegetables in February . And since we prefer to start with salty, let's reverse it: vegetables and fruits.

You can accompany Cella's products and our recipes with its vegetables rich in essential vitamins, fiber and flavors, whether these vegetables are eaten raw or cooked .

Cabbage, star of February

In February, you will be able to decline cabbage . Whether it is white, red, curly, Chinese you will be able to cook it in soup, salad, stuffed, boiled, roasted to discover new gourmet variations. And the cabbage wishes you well ! It is an important source of folic acid and vitamin C.

Finally, and this last advantage is not the least, it is very economical !

And no, sorry, it’s still not tomato season! Even in a cute cherry tomato!

For a change, you will also be able to cook our favorite of the moment, celeriac . Cut into thick slices of about 1cm, simply roasted for ten to fifteen minutes on each side over medium heat in a nice churned butter from Lehmann with a little thyme or rosemary... Serve hot to accompany, for example, oven-roasted free-range chicken legs with honey and dried fruits .

Seasonal vegetables for the month of February

  • Carrot
  • Radish
  • White cabbage
  • Kale
  • Red cabbage
  • Celery
  • Endive
  • Salsify
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • Chewed up
  • Onion
  • Leek
  • Potato

Local or exotic

As for citrus fruits in February , you will always find clementines and oranges. It is also the start of the grapefruit season . More exotic, you can go for the very delicious and sweet pineapples, the bright pomegranates, the sweet and voluptuous mangoes, the acidic and subtle passion fruits.

There is no question of letting the end of winter pursue you with its grayness: add color to your kitchen with these fruits!

Seasonal fruits for the month of February

  • Pear
  • Apple
  • Pineapple
  • Lawyer
  • Banana
  • Lemon
  • Grenade
  • Kiwi
  • Litchi
  • Mango
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Clementine
  • Passion fruit

Prefer French products as much as possible

Obviously, prefer to purchase French, local or short-circuit products whenever possible (difficult for lawyers). Above all, pay attention to the quality of the product . On the exotic fruit side, these do not grow very well in our latitudes, they will necessarily come from further afield. So, don't deny yourself the pleasure of their flavors but of course, avoid an avocado every day... On the kiwi side, on the other hand, you will easily find something made in France! In everything, it's all about moderation . This is what we stand for at Cella. Local, yes. Of course, as much as possible but without prohibiting anything. The fun is in variety, even in February !

If you need advice on cooking, a recipe or help preparing a menu... don't hesitate to ask us!

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