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Cella - Recette de tête de veau

Veal head 'gribiche sauce

It is a Republican tradition on January 21 : the calf's head is in the spotlight. For what ? In memory of the beheading of King Louis XVI on this same day, in 1793. If there was talk of a pig's head and ears for a long time, the tradition was established in the 19th century around the calf's head. This will be cooked slowly in a broth flavored with herbs and vegetables, accompanied by a mayonnaise with hard-boiled eggs, capers, gherkins and herbs called sauce gribiche.

Rambervillers, capital of calf’s head

Calf's head is a dish enjoyed throughout France but whose capital was claimed by Rambervillers in the Vosges. This region called Rambuvetais, the "land of calf's heads" is a fan of the calf's head recipe as we share it with you. This is a simple recipe that will continue a tradition and one of Alexandre Dumas' favorite dishes.


For 4-6 people

For the gribiche sauce

  • 3 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of strong mustard
  • 20cl of sunflower oil
  • 1/4 bunch of chervil
  • 1/4 bunch of chives
  • 1/4 bunch of tarragon
  • 40g capers
  • 40g pickles
  • 5cl of red wine vinegar
  • 6 pinches of fine salt
  • 6 turns of pepper mill

For the meat

  • 1 calf's head
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • 6 peppercorns
  • 2 cloves
  • 30g of coarse salt
  • flower of salt
  • freshly ground pepper

Preparation and cooking

For the calf's head

  1. The veal head at Cella is already boned, rolled and tied. All you have to do is place it in a saucepan, on top of the coarse salt. Cover with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Skim regularly for 5 min. Peel the vegetables. Cut the carrots in 2.
  3. Prick the onion with the clove.
  4. Add the vegetables, pepper and herbs to the broth with the head, then cook over low heat for 2 hours.

For the gribiche sauce

  1. Cook the eggs in a saucepan (10 minutes).
  2. Peel, then separate the yolk from the white.
  3. Crush the egg yolks, mix the yolk with the mustard and vinegar, gradually adding the oil to make a mayonnaise.
  4. Add the chopped capers and gherkins and gradually add the very finely chopped herbs.
  5. Cut the egg whites into brunoise and add them.
  6. Season and reserve.

For training

  1. Cut the head into large slices and cover generously with sauce.
  2. Add a grind of pepper and a few grains of shiitake fleur de sel or Guérande fleur de sel to the saffron.

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